Saturday 22 January 2011

Jet lag

Pfffffffffffffffffffff. Boys went to bed at 9.45 pm last night and I went to bed at midnight. At 1.45 Willem appeared at my bedside, upset. Took him downstairs and decided to sleep in his room in the bottom bunk, as he felt confused. About 20 minutes later I hear Frank walking down the corridor. I called him. He was also upset and he said he had enough sleep. Told him to get into the bed with me and try to sleep a bit more. 2 hours later and we were all still awake. Told them to get up, so at 4 am we were all having milk and toast and watching Thomas the Tank engine. At 5 I was soo tired I tried to get them back into bed but it was getting light so I decided not to bother. At 6 I asked them to wake up Jamie and at 7.30 we were at Cottesloe beach where my friend Tamar also just arrived with two of her daughters (early birds in Australia!) It was really nice to catch up and the boys loved playing on the beach with Carmen and Thirza. Was really cute actually. Thirza had really really missed Frank and shouted from far: Daar is Frank, Frank is my friend! Big cuddles and happy kids! Carmen and Willem have known each other from birth and get on really well, sharing the body board and playing hide and seek. We got home just after 11am and Frank was fast asleep. I also had an afternoon snooze. Willem was determined to stay awake and he managed till 7.15 pm!! That's 17 and a half hours being awake after only 4 hours sleep! Let's see how this night goes...
Now enjoying a G&T with Jamie..

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