Wednesday, 5 September 2012

City to Surf

Finally I did it! The City to Surf. A huge event where you run 12k from the city to the beach. A great run for us as we actually run home. I tried training for it but didn't manage enough. Still finished the run without walking ( and it's quite hilly) only a bit slower than I wanted at 1.20 min.

Willem ran the 4k with Jamie in roughly 23 minutes and Frank walked with Corinne and her daughter Annika. It was a beautiful day and I enjoyed it very much!

Art work with the Dutch Kindy

I really enjoy working with the 3/4 year old Dutch kids. I have 4 groups now. Work all day Monday, Tuesday morning and Friday morning. We've done some great projects. I also have started voluntary work with Meerilinga, a charity "promoting positive childhoods". I try and include this little boy with developmental delay in the group sessions of this playgroup. It's really nice work (officially called an special education assistant). Especially as I get to work with some really nice people. The playgroup works a lot like we used to work in Scotland.

I also had one day of relief teaching at an Australian school! Its was at Bold Park community school, a Reggio Emila school. Really good fun as well. Hope they'll call more often. Problem is of course that a lot of days I am not available..

 We're going on a bear hunt

 Songs about sheep
 Musical instruments
 Self portraits

Holiday in Europe

The end of June I flew with the boys to the Netherlands. The flight was easy. I had a 4 hour stopover in Singapore between 9pm and 1 am and assumed it would be difficult with the boys at that time but they were brilliant. Fantastic travellers..
Toke and Wim collected us from Schiphol in the morning and it was soo good to be back! It had been a whole year! The 2 weeks were quickly filled with lots of lovely social events. A wedding, a weekend to Amsterdam, trip to Amersfoort and lots of nights out with friends.
The boys had the BEST time with opa and oma

After 2 weeks Jamie arrived and we had a weekend away in Aberdeen. It was great to be back and meet up with all our friends. Aberdeen hadn't changed at all and I could imagine us living back in Scotland again.

 The weather wasn't the best but it could've been a lot worse as well. We still managed to get out and about. Oranje Zon was frequently visited.

 The boys love the fair!

And a night out with Ozzie friends Evelien and Lilith!

 We also managed to squeeze in 4 days in England to see Jamie's family. Always good to see them and Willem and Frank had a great time with their cousins.

4 weeks fly past... Why is Perth so far away!